Deutsches Lied - Komponisten & Dichter

Werke von "PAUL MCCARTNEY" (1942-)

Liedtitel Melodie/Region Melodie Jahr Text/Region Text Jahr Tonsatz Quelle
ah, look at all the lonely people (eleonor rigby) john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 liedersonne 1993 A1734   Einzigartig
close your eyes and i'll kiss you (all my loving) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 lieder, songs und gospels, 1978 A706b
close your eyes and i'lll kiss you john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 liederfundgrube, 1978 G A706a
far have i travelled and much hav i seen (mull of kintyre) paul mccartney, linda mccartney, denny laine 1977 paul mccartney, linda mccartney, denny laine 1977 liederbuch für seebären und landratten, 1993-2005 A902   Einzigartig
he's a real nowhere man john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney gerald hipp der schnappsack - eine liedblatt-sammelmappe, 2013 A855c   Einzigartig
help, i need somebody, help, not just anybody john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney notebook, 2012 A1216
hey jude don't make it bad take a sad song and make it better john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 das ding - kultliederbuch 2000 A1495
hey jude, don't make it bad john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 notebook, 2012 A1216
hey jude, don't make it bad (hey jude) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney der schnappsack - eine liedblatt-sammelmappe 2019 A855g
i once had a girl (norwegian wood) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadirallala ll, VCP W59c
i once had a girl, or should i say, she once had me (norwegian wood) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadfinder liederbuch DPSG W150
i want to hold your hand john lennon, paul mccartney 1963 john lennon, paul mccartney 1963 notebook, 2012 A1216
i've just seen a face, i can't forget the time or place john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 lieder unserer zeit - lieder, songs und gospels 2, 1982 A706g   Einzigartig
in the town where i was born john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney gustav gunsenheimer eine kleine melodie - das chorbuch für die geselligkeit, 1989 A955
in the town where i was born (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 liederfundgrube, 1978 G A706a
in the town where i was born (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney die jurtenente - malteser jugend W382
in the town where i was born (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney die jurtenente - malteser jugend W382
in the town where i was born (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 die welt im lied, 1982 A929
in the town where i was born (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 land der silberbirke - XV world jamboree mondial, alberta canada 1983 W296e
in the town where i was born lived a man who sailed to sea (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney jens a. bose das chorbuch für 3 gemischte stimmen A1653
in the town where i was born lived a man who sailed to sea (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 liedersonne 1993 A1734
in the town where i was born lived a man who sailed to sea (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 lieder, songs und gospels, 1978 A706b
in the town where I was born lived a man who sailed to sea (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadfinder liederbuch DPSG W150
in the town where i was born, lived a man who sailed to sea (yellow submarine) john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 john lennon, paul mccartney 1966 das ding - kultliederbuch 2000 A1495
it's been a hard day's night john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney lieder auf unserem weg 1988 A1453   Einzigartig
lady madonna children at your feet (lady madonna) john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 john lennon, paul mccartney 1968 die welt tanzt, band 43 1968 A1132-43
mull of kintyre der nebel schwebt über der see wie ein schleier paul mccartney u.a. paul mccartney u.a., deutsch hedo holland feuerfunken 1 - greifen-lieder, 2015 W91-1a   Einzigartig
mull of kintyre oh mist rolling in from the sea paul mccartney, linda paul mccartney, denny laine hedos lebenslieder - heft 2, 2011 W93-2
mull of kintyre oh mist rolling in from the sea paul mccartney, u.a. hedo holland feuerfunken 1, greifenlieder 1 - wandervogel e.v., 2014 W91-1
mull of kintyre oh mist rolling in from the sea paul mccartney, u.a. deutsch hedo holland feuerfunken 2, wandervogelmaien - wandervogel e.v., 2014 W91-2
mull of kintyre, ihr berge im nebel, good bye (tief hängen die wolken) paul mccartney, d. laine uns geht die sonne nicht unter - lieder aller deutschen 2020 A1549b   Einzigartig
mull of kintyre, oh mist rolling in from the sea irland paul mccartney lieder der grauen adler, 1994 G W174
mull of kintyre, oh mist rolling in from the sea paul mccartney paul mccartney alibi - das liederbuch der jungenschaft artus, 1996-2005 G W343
mull of kintyre, oh, mist rolling from the sea paul mccartney paul mccartney musigato - liederbuch des stammes wildkatzen, dpbm 2002 W253
mull of kintyre, oh, mist rolling in from the sea paul mccartney, denny laine paul mccartney, denny laine mehr lieder - kirche unterwegs 2000 G249
standing in the dock at southampton (the ballad of john and yoko) john lennon, paul mccartney 1969 john lennon, paul mccasrtney 1969 die welt tanzt, band 45 1969 A1132-45   Einzigartig
there's nothing you can do that can't be done (all you need is love) john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 die welt tanzt, band 42 1967 A1132-42   Einzigartig
try to see it my way (we can work it out) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney liederheft - 24. hamburger singewettstreit 2001 W258-24   Einzigartig
what would you do if i sang out of tune (with a little help from my friends) john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 notebook, 2012 A1216   Einzigartig
when i find myself in times of trouble (let it be) john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 das ding - kultliederbuch 2000 A1495
when i find myself in times of trouble (let it be) john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 lieder unserer zeit - lieder, songs und gospels 2, 1982 A706g
when i find myself in times of trouble (let it be) john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 john lennon, paul mccartney 1970 notebook, 2012 A1216
when i find myself in times of trouble, mother mary comes to me (let it be) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadfinder liederbuch DPSG W150
when i find myself in trouble (let it be) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney der schnappsack - eine liedblatt-sammelmappe 2019 A855g
when i get older losing my hair john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 josef michel wir grüßen euch alle - das neue frauenchorbuch, 1991 A769
when i get older losing my hair (when i'm sixty four) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 liederfundgrube, 1978 G A706a
when i get older losing my hair many years from now john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 thomas walz eine kleine melodie - das chorbuch für die geselligkeit, 1989 A955
when i get older losing my hair many years from now (when i'm sixty four) john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 john lennon, paul mccartney 1964 lieder, songs und gospels, 1978 A706b
when i get older, losing my hair (when i'm sixty-four) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney stehen im wind - 1968 frühjahr bis herbst 1989 1989 W361
yellow submarine john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 die mundorgel, 1982 A86   Einzigartig
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 die mundorgel, 1982 A86
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 josef michel wir grüßen euch alle - das neue frauenchorbuch, 1991 A769
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadirallala ll, VCP W59c
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney gustav gunsenheimer eine kleine melodie - das chorbuch für die geselligkeit, 1989 A955
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney die welt im lied, 1982 A929
yesterday john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney kommt zum singen - südtiroler liederbuch, 2004 HR179
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney der schnappsack - eine liedblatt-sammelmappe, 2017 A855f
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney die jurtenente - malteser jugend W382
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney hermann schroeder der schnappsack - eine liedblatt-sammelmappe 2019 A855g
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney pfadfinder liederbuch DPSG W150
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney stehen im wind - 1968 frühjahr bis herbst 1989 1989 W361
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 notebook, 2012 A1216
yesterday all my troubles seemed so far away (yesterday) john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney die jurtenente - malteser jugend W382
yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 john lennon, paul mccartney 1965 das ding - kultliederbuch 2000 A1495
yesterday, all my troubles seemed so far away paul mccartney, john lennon 1965 paul mccartney, john lennon 1965 singen ohne grenzen - lieder, songs und gospels 3, 1984 A706c
yesterday, all my troubles seemed so tar away john lennon, paul mccartney john lennon, paul mccartney christoph pabel das chorbuch für 3 gemischte stimmen A1653
you say yes, i say no, you say stop an i say go go go (hello, goodbye) john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 john lennon, paul mccartney 1967 dein schönstes lied, nr. 87, 1968 A597-87   Einzigartig
Liedtitel Melodie/Region Melodie Jahr Text/Region Text Jahr Tonsatz Quelle
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